Nine out of 10 voicemail messages get deleted, ignored, and never returned. Sales agents soon realize how many calls get sent to voicemail without being listened to at all.
The numbers show that if you want people to check your voicemail messages and respond to them, you need a good script. Yes, a voicemail is not a dead end. If you do it right, your voicemail message can help you catch a lead without losing your breath chasing them.
If you have a good message, the lead will call back because there is a good reason to connect with you.
What Doesn’t Work?
Voicemail messages that are deleted have the same theme – each of them is trying to sell something or get an appointment with the customer. What the listener hears is a monologue as you describe who you are, where you work, what products/services you offer, plus the features and benefits of it.
Who wants to hear that kind of monotonous and one-sided conversation?
Not all products and services are easy to sell over the phone. That is why you should not try to make a sale using a voicemail message because the chances of you making a sale are extremely low.
Also, your lead has received hundreds of other voicemails, emails, and text messages. If you follow the usual script, your call will be deleted for the simple reason that you have already given out your details.
Look at the example below:
Hi! I’m Jim from ABC Company. We are the leading provider of lab equipment, and so on and so forth.
From this script, your lead knows immediately that Jim from ABC Company sells lab equipment. The next voicemail is the same—Bob, XYZ Inc, sells lab equipment, and so on. The moment you mention your company name; your prospect already moved on to the next voicemail.
The prospect may already have a certain assumption about your company or they are not familiar with it and don’t care.
Related: Telemarketing Mistakes That Expert Salespeople Still Make
What Works?
Again, the purpose of your call is not to sell or get an appointment. When you call, you are just classifying clients and making sure you are not wasting your time and theirs. Consider the call as a survey to know who is curious about your product or services, who don’t need you, and who won’t ever need you.
Let’s say your company offers laboratory optimization. Instead of going into all the features and benefits of an optimized laboratory, you can go ahead and see if the owner is currently cutting costs.
Hi, Bill. Jim Johnson calling. I called to help reduce your laboratory operational costs. Call me ASAP so we can get started. My number is (012) 345-6789. That’s Jim of EfficientLabs. I’m available until 5 pm. Can’t wait to talk to you!
The message conveyed that you are the person who can help them cut costs. You are a problem solver, not a salesperson. Also, you are defining a timeframe for your call to action encouraging your lead to call you now rather than later.
Improve Your Chances of Getting a Return Call
A voicemail is a critical part of an overall contact strategy. You are continually reminding the person of your existence without being pushy. Use various communication tools to reach your lead. Send a follow-up email briefly after you make a call.
Subject: Voicemail
Hi Bill. I left you a voicemail with my intention to help you with your laboratory operational costs. Call me today until 5 pm.
Jim Johnson
Laboratory Operational Costs Expert
(012) 345 – 6789
If they do not return your call that day, don’t give up on your lead just yet. Decision-makers are busy people. Persistence is key to getting a lead to call you back. In some cases, a hectic schedule or a person’s ego may be keeping him from calling back.
Don’t divulge all the information just yet. The goal is to get your lead to return your call, and then you can talk about visiting the company to a demo. While you’re waiting for a callback, do your research and connect with your lead further.
Related: 6 SMART Calling Essentials For Better Telemarketing Results
Linkedin, Twitter, and More
Look your target up on LinkedIn go over their website and follow them on Twitter. The more notifications your lead gets from you, the more they can see your persistence. Meanwhile, you can get more information about your lead so you can provide relevant value the next time you call.
Hi, Bill. Jim Johnson calling. I spoke with one of your former colleagues about your work on (mention a company’s current project). I want to work with you on this. Can you call me today? My number is (012) 345-6789. Talk to you soon!
Related: The 5 F’s of Data Hygiene for Deeper Sales Conversations
Last Reminders
A good rule of thumb is to keep your call short to spark curiosity. Voicemails are not meant to replace a discovery call. It is not the time to ask questions either. Create urgency when you call, or else your call will easily get drowned in a long list of To-Dos. Most importantly, don’t sell or talk about products or solutions.
Make them want to answer you the next time you call or connect, instead of ducking away from you because they know you are trying to sell to them.
Related: B2B Lead Generation: What Works and What Doesn’t?