Common Mistakes ERP Software Providers Make When Trying to Close Deals

Close More Deals Common Mistakes ERP Providers Make

Closing deals for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software can be a complex task, fraught with challenges that can jeopardize the sale. ERP systems are crucial for businesses to manage their processes effectively, but the decision to invest in one is significant and involves multiple stakeholders. 

However, despite the potential for transforming a business, why do some ERP providers often face hurdle in sealing the deal? And, why does a good sales process matter so much for ERP solutions providers? 

Well, closing a deal isn’t just about making a sale. It’s about building a relationship with your client that will last for years. A smooth sales process can lead to more referrals, generate more leads, and, ultimately, more success for your company. Plus, research shows that 73% of buyers cite bad sales experiences as a reason for not making a purchase. So, it’s crucial to get this right.

In this post, we’ll explore some common ERP mistakes during the closing process and provide tips on how to avoid them.

What are the Common ERP Software Mistakes When Closing Deals

list of common ERP software mistakes when closing deals

Closing deals in the ERP industry requires a well-honed approach. Here, we’ll delve into common ERP software mistakes that can derail your sales efforts:

ERP Mistake #1: Inadequate Pre-Sales Preparation:

First up, let’s talk about preparation. Not knowing enough about your potential client’s business can really hurt your chances. Imagine trying to sell a suit without knowing the person’s size—it just won’t fit! The same goes for your ERP software or ERP solutions. If you don’t understand your client’s specific needs, it’s like you’re shooting in the dark.

You see:

study about buyers feel reps don't understand needs

So, documenting your prospects’ needs gives them confidence that you understand their challenges (reassures) and positions you as a unique solution provider (differentiates).

Take this for example: 

An ERP manufacturer pitched a solution to a small retailer without knowing they were struggling with outdated inventory management. The generic pitch fell flat because it didn’t address their key issue. They lost the deal to a competitor who understood their problem and offered a targeted solution.

Not preparing properly can lead to missed opportunities and a bad reputation. If clients feel you don’t get their business, they’re likely to go elsewhere. Being well-prepared can make all the difference.

Learn how to close enterprise software deals with these tips.

ERP Mistake #2: Lack of Effective Communication

If you’re not communicating clearly, it’s like speaking a different language. Using too much technical jargon or not listening to what the client really wants can create a lot of confusion and frustration.

For instance:

As an ERP provider gave a presentation full of tech talk to a local bakery chain. The bakery owners couldn’t understand how the ERP system would help them streamline their operations. They ended up not buying because they couldn’t see the value.

Tell you what;

statistics about poor communication deters customers from buying

And for the very same reason:

stats about customers change brands because of their poor experiences

You see. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and lost deals. If you can’t explain how your ERP solution helps in simple terms, you’ll struggle to close deals.

Check out this effective sales enablement program.

ERP Mistake #3: Focusing on Features, Not Benefits

Next, focusing too much on your ERP software features rather than benefits can be a big mistake. In fact, many providers fall into the trap of focusing heavily on technical specifications during sales pitches. While features are important, they become irrelevant if they don’t address the potential buyer’s specific pain points.

Learn how Callbox lead generation campaigns capped business goals for a global ERP solutions provider.

A successful salesperson should prioritize understanding the buyer’s challenges and tailor their pitch to showcase how the ERP system can solve those industry-specific problems.


An ERP provider showing a financial firm all the technical details of their software, but not explaining how it would help reduce costs and improve efficiency. The firm wasn’t impressed and chose a competitor who focused on the benefits.

If you focus on features, you might lose your client’s interest. It’s crucial to highlight the real-world benefits of your ERP system. You see, features and benefits are both valuable for your clients. As Hubspot says:

“Features tell, benefits sell. Features are often technical in nature, describing what the product or service does. Benefits, on the other hand, paint a picture of success in the prospect’s mind of how it will change their life in some way.” 

ERP Mistake #4: Failure to Address Customer Concerns

Finally, let’s talk about addressing concerns. Every client has worries, whether it’s about cost, time, or how complicated the new system will be. Ignoring these concerns can make them feel unheard and anxious.

Consider this:

A school district that was worried about the cost and downtime of implementing a new ERP system. The provider didn’t address these concerns adequately, and the district decided to go with a different ERP provider who provided clear answers and reassurances.

Not addressing concerns can lead to lost deals. So, addressing their concerns head-on is essential.

As a matter of fact:

study about customer journey hinges on perceived treatment

Here are effective insider tips, solutions, and strategies for closing more deals for your ERP software.

Effective Strategies for Closing More ERP Sales Leads

effective strategies for closing more ERP sales leads

A well-executed sales process ensures that your ERP software can consistently secure new clients and build lasting relationships. That’s why efficient lead generation is a critical part of this process, helping to identify and attract potential customers.  Here are some effective ways to close more ERP software sales:

#1 Thorough Pre-Sales Preparation

To avoid failure during the preparation stage, do your homework! Research your potential client’s industry, understand their challenges, and tailor your pitch to their specific needs. This shows that you care and that your ERP solution is the perfect fit for them.

Being well-prepared helps you connect with your client on a deeper level. You can speak their language and address their pain points directly, making it easier for them to see the value of your ERP system.

Thorough preparation leads to more successful sales. 

Struggling to find the time for in-depth research and client analysis?

#2 Clear and Effective Communication

Communicate clearly and listen actively. Use simple language and real-life examples to explain how your ERP system can help. Make sure to listen to your client’s needs and concerns and respond thoughtfully.

This approach helps build trust and ensures that the client understands how your solution works for them. Clear communication can make a complex ERP system seem straightforward and valuable.

Good communication increases your chances of closing the deal. 

study shows that clear communication boosts client satisfaction and close more deals

#3 Emphasizing Benefits, Not Just Features

Focus on the benefits of your ERP system, like how it saves time, reduces costs, and improves efficiency. Use stories and testimonials from other clients to show how your system has helped others.

Highlighting benefits helps clients understand the practical value of your ERP software, making it easier for them to see why they should invest in your solution.

As what I’ve mentioned above, emphasizing both benefits and features can significantly improve sales outcomes.

#4 Active Listening and Addressing Customer Concerns

Listen actively to your client’s concerns and address them directly. Offer clear, honest answers and provide examples of how you’ve helped other clients overcome similar issues.

This strategy builds trust and reassures clients that you are committed to their success. It shows that you are not just selling a product but also offering support and solutions.

Addressing concerns effectively can greatly improve your chances of closing deals. 

In fact:

research shows buyers positive experience lead to purchases

#5 Hiring an Outsourcing Company

Sometimes, it’s beneficial to bring in the experts, like Callbox. Hiring an outsourcing company can help you with various aspects of the sales process. These companies specialize in handling lead generation, sales presentations, and follow-ups, which can free up your time and resources.

Outsourcing can bring fresh perspectives and specialized skills to your sales team. It ensures that your potential clients get a consistent and professional experience, reducing the risk of making common mistakes such as poor communication and lack of preparation.

Engaging an outsourcing company can significantly boost your sales performance.

study that hiring outsourced services provider reduce the cost

This approach allows you to focus on what you do best while the experts handle the rest.

Explore the pros and cons of outsourcing lead generation services.

Wrapping Up

Let’s remember the key points: be prepared, communicate clearly, focus on benefits, and address concerns. Avoiding these common mistakes can make a big difference in your ability to close deals as an ERP provider.

A strong sales process isn’t just about making sales. It’s about building lasting relationships and establishing a reputation for trust and reliability. For ERP solutions providers, getting this right is crucial for long-term success.

I encourage all ERP software providers out there to take these tips to heart. Implementing these strategies can help you avoid common pitfalls, improve your sales performance, and ultimately, close more deals. Good luck out there!

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